Sunday, June 17, 2012

Emmy and Bossy visit!

My little sister Emily and her husband Basilio came to visit us here in Lincoln for a few days! This is the second year in a row that they've come and visited us on their road trip! We were so glad they decided to include us as a stop 2 years in a row! 

They got in on Monday night, and we decided to have a BBQ in the park with Brad & Emily once they got to town! McKinley had fun having 2 new play mates at the park while we were waiting for the food to finish grilling! We enjoyed having fun company, yummy food, and of course fun time to play at the park!

Emily wanted a picture of her eating corn in Nebraska :)

McKinley had fun having guests at our house for a few days! Every morning when she woke she came out of her room looking for "Emmy" and "Baba"! She was always excited when she came out and realized they were still here! She liked to find all their things around the apartment and tell me whose it was! She especially loved to find Emmy's phone and play with it and the fun new apps that I don't have on my phone. Here she is trying on Bossy's shoes, and sitting in "her spot" on the recliner with Bossy. She always sits in that spot with Travis on the recliner, and I thought it was cute she sat there with Bossy too!

On Tuesday after Travis got off work, we all headed to Omaha to visit the Omaha Zoo. Omaha has a great Zoo so we wanted to take them to visit it. Not to mention McKinley's love of the Zoo, and anything to do with "animas"! She was so excited when we told her we were heading to the Zoo. She immediately repeated, "Zoo, animas, animas, animas" !


I think everyone's favorite part of the Zoo was the orangutans! They were taunting the people near their netting to give them food. They were clapping their hands, did a hand motion, and smacking their lips to get the people's attention so they would give them more food. It was so funny. The people gave them some sunflower seeds, and the orangutangs used their teeth to open the seed and spit out the shell. It was so funny and neat to see how intelligent these animals are. We had such a fun time watching them!


Other than that, we spent the rest of the week hanging out with Emmy & Bossy. We rented Home Alone 2 to watch with them, a favorite of all of ours. Emily and I worked out, while Travis & Bossy played basketball at the Y one afternoon. Emily and I also went to a Zumba class one morning. We also played lots and lots of games, one of my favorite things to do! Emily and I played numerous rounds of Yahtzee and Scattergories. Bossy and Travis were even nice enough to play a few rounds of Farkle with us as well! We had such a fun time having them visit! We love having visitors! We were so glad to have them come and visit us for the second year in a row :)

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