Monday, September 10, 2012

McKinley's 2nd Birthday Party


We had a great time celebrating McKinley turning 2 by having a Zoo Animal party at the park! We had a fun time at the park doing all the usual park activities, plus a few more! We had bubbles and sidewalk chalk! And McKinley even got to take a ride around the park in Emily's bike trailer!

We had a lot of animal decorations! Including monkey cupcakes, an animal centerpiece, and an animal banner!

We even had a bunch of animals show up in person!





We were so glad to have so many great family and friends there to celebrate McKinley with us!

McKinley loved having everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to her! She had been to a few birthday parties where we sang to other people, so she thought it was pretty great that this time everyone was singing to her!

She's a funny girl! After blowing out the candles instead of eating her cupcake she wanted to eat grapes and carrots instead! She didn't even take a bite of her cupcake, what a healthy little eater!

The greatest part of the party for McKinley was opening her presents! She thought checking out all of her new loot was pretty exciting! When unwrapping the presents, she ripped off the wrapping paper one little piece at at time, then took each little piece and threw them in the trash can! It was hilarious!

I think she had a great time! She had her best friends with her, fun activities and lots of neat new toys to play with! Life doesn't get much better for a 2 year old! Here are a few more cute pictures of the birthday girl!

 McKinley still loves animals and can name almost every animal! She knows all their sounds and what they do! Travis and I each have a favorite animal name that she says. Travis's favorite is when she says, "turtle" it sounds like "teetle". My favorites are when she says, "alligator" it sounds like "abigator" and when she says, "owl", it sounds like "howl"! I love little 2-year old talk, it's so cute! Her favorite book right now is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" I think it might have something to do with all the animals found in the book :)

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