Thursday, May 3, 2012

20 months

At 20 months, McKinley is talking a ton! It seems like a light bulb just clicked this last month and she is now trying to talk all the time and say everything! She can pretty much say anything she wants to say! She is even putting ideas together and using small sentences. The other day we went out for ice cream and McKinley looked at the empty bowl and said, "ice cream, all gone!" She's starting to put words and ideas together more and more! Whenever we tell her that we're going to see Mya, she goes through all the names of everyone in their family. She says, "Ma (Madison), My My (Mya), Bra (Brad), and Emmy (Emily)." She usually is doing a dance and squealing while she goes through all their names because she is so excited to go and see them! Here she having Mya put some makeup on her :)

Her new development is climbing stairs. She loves to climb up and down stairs all by herself! She mastered walking up them a few months ago and now she's on to walking down them. Every time we leave our apartment she has to walk down the stairs on her own. Holding on to the rail with one hand and my hand with the other. It's really sweet and fun to watch her learn and grow! She also loves to throw things down the stairs! Every time we go over to Brad and Emily's she throws Mya's toy vacuum cleaner down the stairs, making a huge crashing noise the whole way down. She just laughs and thinks it's the funniest thing ever! The things she thinks are the funniest are when something drops or breaks or when someone falls! Travis says she gets this from my family... I guess I can't deny that!

She is still my little diva and loves to carry her purse, full of her little people around with her.

 She likes to dance around to music in the kitchen! When we're cleaning or cooking in the kitchen we always turn on music and she comes in and dances all around the kitchen with us! We have fun family dance parties in the kitchen!

She loves stickers, or "dicters" as she calls them. Her favorite thing to do with stickers is put them all over me and Travis! She also knows that when we go to Target, if she asks the checker for a "dicter" they'll give her one! So every time we're checking out at Target she remember that she gets a sticker there and asks for one! She's got a good memory!

She loves to sing! She can sing most of her ABC's! She learned it from a game on the iPad, I know she's a little obsessed with that thing. I was so shocked when I heard her singing it for the first time! She also loves the songs, "Twinkle Twinkle," "If You're Happy and You Know It," "Popcorn Popping," and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and knows all of the actions to them! I love to hear her sing! Even if she doesn't know the words to a song she's still pretty good at humming the tune to it, so I can recognize what song she is singing.


She loves bubbles and had a great time at the Children's Museum when they brought out some bubbles and some huge wands that made bubbles almost the same size as her! She had a great time playing with these bubbles, so much so that I may need to invest in one of these wands of our own for her this summer!

Another thing that McKinley has really been into lately is coloring! Anytime she sees crayons she gets excited and starting saying, "color, color, color!" Here she is lounging around coloring a picture :)

She is such a sweet girl! She is also quite a goofball too, which I love! She can always make me smile and laugh! I love seeing her grow and develop and watching her personality blossom! It is so wonderful to be a Mom! I'm so grateful to be a Mom to such a sweet, smart, funny, cute, amazing little girl :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big she's getting, she's so gosh darn cute!!
