Monday, October 31, 2011

14 months!

McKinley is 14 months old! She has grown and changed so much over the past two months! Shes not such a baby anymore, she is now definitely a toddler! At 14 months, McKinley is officially walking, or should I say toddling. She's finally given up crawling. When she first started walking, she'd walk a few steps, then fall and crawl the rest of the way to her destination. But now, if she falls she stands back up (in a very cute way by pushing up on all fours) and starts walking again. She seems to enjoy her new found skill! It's so cute to see her little body toddling around!! What a fun new development for us all!

She loves to point!! She points at any and everything she sees! When she points she always says, "uh" while she's pointing. And she always only points with her right hand, not her left. I love my little pointing girlie!

She has started to develop a vocabulary. The words she says are, "buh"- ball, "ma"-mom, "bo"-book, "ba"- bath, "muh"-Barney (not quite sure where that one came from, the others make sense, but this one doesn't. I do know it definitely means she wants to watch Barney). She also still says "hi" all the time. Her new cute trick is picking up her play phone and saying, "hi". She also picks up lots of different random toys and uses them as a phone too and says, "hi". It's pretty cute!! She has started to say bye when I tell her we're going bye-bye. Another cute thing she does is when I say "good job" she starts clapping and says "yay"! She also says "woah" a lot which is something she learned from me, because I say that a lot when she falls down. It's really cute when she says it! I love her new ever-increasing vocabulary!

She LOVES taking baths! Every night at the end of dinner she starts saying "ba, ba, ba," letting us know she's ready to take a bath. Once we finish and ask her if she's ready to go take a bath she gets SO excited! She starts kicking her feet and squealing out of excitement! She loves playing with her rubber duckies in the bath and flipping through the pages of her bath books. I've even taught her that her duckies say "quack, quack" and she does her own cute version of "quack" when I make the noise. We love to give her baths because they make her so happy. Lucky for her and her love of baths, almost every night at dinner she gets so dirty that she needs one!

She loves to drink out of her sippy cups! This girl can down a whole sippy cup full of milk or juice in no time flat! She loves milk, juice and water! She's quite the drinker, I say she could go on an all-liquid diet and be happy :)

Except she loves to eat! Right after she turned one, she stopped wanting to eat so much and got really picky about eating! But recently, she wants to eat non-stop! I think she may be going through a growth spurt or something! Some of her favorite foods are bananas, strawberries, corn, beans, graham crackers, candy corn (random, but she's obsessed! If she ever sees it she goes crazy), and pears. I'm glad she likes her fruits and veggies!

Here she is eating her first lollipop! I think she liked it, considering she threw a tantrum when we took it away since she was just making a sticky mess with it after a while!

She loves to play with kids, especially her cousin Mya! She gets so excited when I tell her we're going to see Mya! She laughs more at Mya than she ever laughs at us! She also loves her baby cousin Madison, and everytime she sees her she goes up to her and says "hi" over and over again.

Her teething has finally slowed down a little, thank goodness! She has almost all ofher teeth! She only needs two more sets on the bottom and one on the top. I will be so glad when she finally has all of her teeth in and we're done with this crazy teething business!

Lastly, I'm going to leave you with some super cute pictures of Mckinley that my friend Anna took of her! She's such a cutie and I love how they turned out!!

1 comment:

  1. She looks SO GROWN UP!! I love her cute piggy tails!! It is SO FUN seeing them walk (or stumble) every now and then. Mikayla says hi, and I hope all is going well with you.
