Thursday, September 15, 2011

McKinley is ONE!

I'm almost a month late posting this, it's been a really busy September! So expect a lot of posts, because there's been a lot to post about! McKinley turned one on August 24th! To celebrate we got her some new toys, a walker and a ball, some news shoes and took her out to dinner! We even got her her own grilled cheese, the first time we ordered her own food for her at a restaurant. We also shared our milk shake with her and she loved that :)

The next day we met up with Emily, Mya and Madison at the childrens museum. McKinley loves playing with Mya, especially at the childrens museum where there are lots of neat things to play with!

A few days later we took her to the doctor for her one year old checkup. Her stats are:
Height- 30in (77%)
Weight- 23lbs 13oz (86%)
Head- 19.5in (99%)

At one year old, McKinley is so happy and so much fun! Her little personality is starting to show and I love it! She is so smiley and giggly, and still loves smiling and waving when she sees people! She loves to laugh, especially when Travis or I start laughing, she will fake laugh along with us! It cracks me up, so it makes me laugh even more and then she keeps laughing more, it is so much fun!

She loves to point at things and will point at something when she wants it. The other night at dinner she did not want the corn I was giving her, so she pointed at my bread to let me know what she really wanted! She loves to drink, and is starting to really love milk! I give it to her in her sippy cup and she tilts her head back and guzzles it down!

She got a baby for her birthday, from Mya, and we named it baby Sue in honor of Mya's Baby Susie. McKinley loves her baby! She will snuggle her and pat her on the back, it is the cutest thing! She even says baby when she sees her sometimes! She can also say hi and mama. She loves to wave at people and say hi! She is so friendly and loves to say hi to everyone she sees! Hi was her first word!

She loves to climb up and down stairs! We cannot keep her off of them when they are anywhere in sight. She loves to climb on and off of the couch and our bed! That is one of her favorite past times during the day. She also loves kids and laughs and gets so happy when she sees them!

She loves to sleep with her love bug, her stuffed animal we've put in her crib with her since she was 6 months old. When she wakes up in the mornings and we go in to get her out of he crib, she is so happy to see us, but does not want to leave her love bug, so she reaches down to pick it up to take it with her!

She is quite the mischief maker and gets into everything! Here's proof...

She still loves books! She will still just sit there and flip through the pages of book after book. Recently she has started babbling while she flips through the pages like she is reading! It is so cute that she is trying to read!

She has 12 teeth now! In a matter of 2.5 months those 12 teeth have all come in. The poor girl has hardly got a break from teething. She even has all 4 of her one year molars in already!

We love our sweet little one year old, and we are so grateful for the sweet spirit she brings into our home! She makes us smile and laugh not just everyday, but at least every hour she is awake. And even sometimes while she is sleeping when we laugh about something she did through out the day, or look at a cute picture of her sweet little face! We are so grateful Heavenly Father sent her to us and entrusted us with her care! She is one of the greatest blessings in our lives and we can no longer imagine our lives without her!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Megan she is so precious! I just want to squeeze her! I know she brings the two of you a lot of joy :)
