- Crawling like a crazy person! She crawls any and everywhere! She is getting faster and can maneuver on almost any terrain. She can pull herself up to sitting and standing. She's getting to be quite mobile and is always on the go! We can't keep her still for very long!
- Loves to talk and make noise! Her favorite noise to make right now is "BaBaBaBa". She can make other noises too, that's just the one she makes the most often. I love hearing her talk, it's the cutest thing to walk in and hear her jabbering!
- She is a little social butterfly! She loves smiling and waving at people everywhere we go! She smiles then hides her head in my shoulder pretending like she's shy! She loves seeing people and getting out! Here she is getting out on one of our walks on a warm spring day :)
- She still loves to eat! She's started eating table food and loves almost everything we've given her. She's still getting used to the new textures and new tastes, but is doing so well eating and chewing up new foods. She loves the Gerber puffs, yogurt bites, and pinwheel cookies.
- Waving to everyone! She loves to wave and waves at random people we see when we're out. Her wave isn't a traditional wave, but more of her just moving her fingers in her face. Here's a picture of her cute little wave!
I took McKinley to the doctor today. Her new Doctor here in Lincoln is Dr. Swisher. McKinley really seemed to like him and gave him a lot of smiles and waves! He even gave her a tongue depressor to play with, which made her very happy! He said she looks perfect and is developing perfectly, just what a momma wants to hear :) Here she is at the doctor crawling around in her diaper.
Weight: 20 lbs. 4 oz. (75%)
Height: 28 1/4in. (74%)
Head: 18 3/4 in. (99%...hehe)
Height: 28 1/4in. (74%)
Head: 18 3/4 in. (99%...hehe)
What a cutie! I can't wait to see her again.