Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leaving Utah

Before we left Utah, we made the rounds to see everyone we wanted to see...

We got to see McKay, Allison and Kennedy!

We had a going away party with my extended family. We had a picture scavenger hunt with everyone and had a really fun time! Here's my team all going down a slide at once.

Here we all are hugging an employee at Smiths. We had a great time, even though our team didn't win.

We got to see Jeremy, Nicole and Mikayla. McKinley and Mikayla are buddies, they're only 6 weeks apart!

Starting to play together!

We also got to spend a lot of time with the Bodrero's before we left Utah! We spent the night at a hotel together one night. Here are McKinley and Clay playing together!

Clay giving McKinley a hug!

We also got to put our feet in the hot tub by the pool!

We're sad to leave all of our friends and family in Utah. We made some great friends and had some great times while we were there! Hopefully we'll get to see them all again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's sad- you didn't want to see me.
    *sniff Sniff*
    j/k Miss you though!!!
