McKinley is officially 2 months old! It's crazy how time flies when you're having fun. In the last month McKinley has:
- Started smiling, one of my favorite things to see! I work tirelessly sometimes trying to get her to smile so I can see that cute little face smiling :)
- Started to grab things with her hands, mainly my hair :) I've gotten quite a few painful hair tugs in the past few weeks!
- She'll hold a toy in her hand if we put it in there. Travis put a set of plastic toy keys in her hand the other day and she held on to them for a while and almost hit herself in the face with them, luckily we were watching her and didn't let that happen :)
- Gone on her first trip and overall did really well. She flew with us to Missouri, rode for 6 hours in the car on the way to Nebraska, and flew back home with us from Nebraska. She's quite a little traveler now.
- Went to her 2 month check-up today and here are her stats:
Height = 22.8 in. (90%)
She's quite the tall thing
Here's McKinley with her new friend Mikayla who was just about a week old here. This is the first time we thought McKinley looked big and not quite like such a newborn anymore!
Here's McKinley with her new friend Mikayla who was just about a week old here. This is the first time we thought McKinley looked big and not quite like such a newborn anymore!
- She's doing awesome developmentally. She can focus on people's faces very well, follow objects with her eyes, can smile at us and even laughs in her sleep :) Hopefully she'll start doing that when she's awake soon! She's even starting to hold her head up! She's not quite ready to hold it up on her own, but should be soon! The doctor said she's a very strong, healthy baby :)